Quarantine Comix Issue 4
See here the super secret, super sticky origin story of PINKY RING!
Who the heck is that, you ask? Good question! Also known as the Savior in Salmon (or the Masticatin’ Man, or the Guy Who Ruined Tammy’s Birthday Party That One Summer), Pinky Ring (first appearance Ice Cream Man #17, 2020) is the intergalactic torchbearer of Bubble Gum Justice, standing proudly alongside Ice Cream Man and his candy-coated coterie of crime-fighting compatriots.
You’ve completely lost my meaning in all that alliteration, you say? Well, sorry, Karen! Guess you’ll just have to read this here mini-comic to witness what awaits one woebegone wallflower who’s whole world is warped by a whopping, windborne wad of wax!
File is a PDF, 4 pages long
**50% of proceeds will be donated to BINC, in an effort to support Comics Shops contending with the financial hardships of COVID-19 closures etc.